Tuesday, 17 August 2010

August meeting, Thursday 19th 8pm, Queens Head Titchfield

Hi all

We have booked the fuction room upstairs at The Queens Head, Titchfield for Thursday August 19th at 8pm. We ask for the usual £3 entrance to help with costs. The plan for the evening is... a dvd of some sort! Plus chatting and discussing various ufo related topics.

The current likely contender for the evenings dvd is Jaimme Maussan's 2010 UFO Congress presentation but it is subject to last minute changes on the evening.

Please come if you can, we hope to see you there.

As a last note, last months sky watch on Portsdown Hill had to be cancelled unfortunately so if you're wondering where the write up on that is then there isnt one but a future skywatch will be planned soon so please get in touch if you are interested in coming along.

Ian & Zoe